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Monochrome 128×64 LCD Display-SJXD12864F-6 (STN Positive)


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Quick Info:

  • Model Size: 113.4×65.4×13.0 mm
  • Field of View Size: 72.0×40.0mm
  • Drive Voltage: 5.0V or 3.3V
  • Viewing Angle: 6 o'clock
  • Display Mode:STN Positive
  • Drive IC: ST7920
  • Operating Temperature: -20℃~+70℃
  • Storage Temperature:-30℃~+80℃
  • Backlight: White LEDs backight

Basic Information
Product Size

Basic Information

monochrome 128×64 LCD display is a type of display screen with a resolution of 128 pixels wide by 64 pixels high.These displays are commonly used in embedded systems and small electronic projects due to their low power consumption and ease of integration. They often use the HD44780 controller or similar controllers to manage display functions.

Model SJXD12864F-6
Model Size 113.4×65.4×13.0 mm
Field of View Size 72.0×40.0mm
Display Mode STN positive
Viewing Angle 6 o’clock
Operating Temperature
-20°C – +70°C
Storage Temperature
-30°C – +80°C
Drive IC
White LEDs backight
Drive Voltage
5.0V or 3.3V


  • High contrast, wide-temperature operation
  • Low power consumption, high anti-interference performance
  • Support for multiple color combinations
  • Provide a complete set of one-stop technical information and source code
  • Supports customization
  • Supports 1-3 day samples
  • High quality and cost-effective

Product Size


Q: Do you provide samples?
A: Yes, samples are typically available within 1-3 days for customers to test and evaluate the module’s performance and compatibility.

Q: How to customize this LCD display module?
A: The module can be customized according to customer requirements, including character display content, backlight color, shell design, and other parameters, to meet specific application needs.

Q: What applications is this module suitable for?
A: This module is suitable for applications requiring the display of large font characters and numbers, such as meters, equipment control panels, and information display systems.

Q: How is the quality of this module?
A: This module is manufactured using high-quality LCD panels and electronic components, designed to be stable and reliable, ensuring long-term stable operation and high-quality display performance.

Q: How is cost-effectiveness ensured?
A: The module is designed with streamlined production and cost control, aiming to provide a cost-effective solution while maintaining high quality and performance.

If you would like to learn more or customize the LCD display screen you need, please feel free to contact us.